Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Cactus League

Baseball spring training has started a week early. You can see your favorite major leaguers from now until the end of March.

The best deals are down in Tucson where you can catch the Arizona Diamondbacks for as little as $5. The most expensive seat is $16. Or you can see the Colorado Rockies for between $4 and $17. The lower prices are lawn seating, so no chairs included. But, you might just get a home run ball.

The rest of the teams will range from $6 up to $80 per seat. The average price looks to be in the $23 range. I'm not sure why Cactus league baseball is more expensive than the regular season, but it is.

Want to know more? Go to the website of Major League Baseball and either click on today's schedule or on your favorite team. And have a hot dog and beverage for me.

Schedule for the next three days

Today's scores

Your Favorite Team

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